Software Development II


The Software Development II Career Studies Certificate is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce as software developers who can create and test business-oriented software applications.  The curriculum includes general and specialized computer courses in advanced level programming with an emphasis on systems analysis and project integration. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will be able to: 

  • Write application software that makes efficient and secure use of operating system services.
  • Develop an information system using accepted software development processes.
  • Produce user applications using a specialized technology that builds upon fundamental software development practices.
  • Analyze a problem and identify the appropriate data, hardware components, and/or software requirements to develop a feasible solution.
  • Use current tools and practices that support the software documentation process.
  • Document system requirements and/or develop materials for clients in the proper use of hardware or software. 
  • Students will work cooperatively and effectively in teams to accomplish a shared goal.
  • Analyze local and global information technology (IT) trends, while recognizing the influences of IT on cultural, economic, 道德, and legal issues and responsibilities.
  • 支持 the management of information systems.
  • Use logical and mathematical reasoning to analyze, organize, and interpret data.  

Employment Opportunities

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